The group consisted of academics from various Universities, including the Free University of Bolzano, TU Munich, TU Graz, KTH, the University of Malta, Montanuniversität Leoben, TU Kosice, Stellenbosch University, Chiang Mai University, Purdue University and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
The SME 5.0 ( focuses on providing a Strategic Roadmap Towards the Next Level of Intelligent, Sustainable and Human-Centred SMEs. With its recent investments and strategic direction, Seifert Systems provided these academics with an excellent demonstration of how smart and sustainable manufacturing is being implemented.
The visitors were welcomed by Chairman and CEO Michael R. Seifert and then followed up with a tour of the production facilities led by Operations Manager Philipp Seifert. The visitors had words of praise for Seifert’s achievements, foremost amongst which is the Carbon Neutrality certification since 2021.
Seifert Systems collaborates closely with both local and foreign educational institutions, foremost amongst which are the University of Malta and MCAST as well as the Ministry of Education.